Project Manager

Emmily de los Santos joined the NHP Foundation in 2019. As a member of the acquisition/development and group, she is primarily responsible for supporting the financing, development and preservation of multifamily housing. Prior to joining NHPF Ms. De Los Santos was completing her graduate degree while working at the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) as a Housing Finance and Policy Graduate Intern. In this role, she worked on the origination of acquisition and predevelopment loans by conducting risk assessment, financial underwriting, market analysis, and other required due diligence processes.

Ms. De Los Santos also worked and supported Community Solutions International, Inc. in executing its real estate development strategy. With over six years of experience in community development, she has worked to create a seamless collaboration of local and best practice knowledge to advance equitable development. Through her professional experience and education, she has gained skills and worked on innovative approaches that have leveraged resources from various sectors to create visible, positive, and vibrant outcomes for underserved communities.

Ms. De Los Santos earned a B.A. from Skidmore College and a Master’s in Urban Planning from the NYU Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service with a specialization in Economic and Housing Development. She is currently the Board Secretary of SoHarlem, a Harlem based non-profit organization serving social entrepreneurs in the fashion industry. She is also an active member of the American Planning Association’s Diversity Committee, the Women in Housing and Finance, and the NY Housing Conference Rising Leaders Network.