Hector Lobo’s Family-Centered Coaching Success Story: Growth and Determination

Hector’s story is one of remarkable transformation and resilience, deeply intertwined with the support and guidance of his mother and Operation Pathways. Growing up in Plaza Borinquen in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, Hector faced numerous challenges that shaped his character and determination. In 2022, at 16, Hector embarked on a journey that would change his life forever when he became Operation Pathways’ Teen Intern.

A person in a graduation gown holding two diplomas

Description automatically generatedInitially, Hector was a shy and reserved teenager. His mother, recognizing the potential benefits of the internship, encouraged him to apply. Despite his initial hesitation, Hector filled out the application and was selected for the internship. This opportunity marked the beginning of a significant change in his life.

As an intern, Hector began to build a rapport with the RSC. He started to trust and open up about his personal struggles. Hector is a bright child, but he was troubled by personal turmoil and poor academic performance. His grades were so bad that he was hiding them from his mother, and he was at high risk of failing his classes and not graduating.

Operation Pathways played a pivotal role in Hector’s transformation. The RSC introduced him to Family Centered Coaching (FCC), a program designed to help individuals achieve their goals and sustain long-term success. Through FCC, the RSC and Hector worked together to identify the root causes of his academic struggles. They discovered that Hector’s inconsistent sleep schedule and poor time management were major barriers to his success.

With the RSC’s guidance, Hector learned to set multiple alarms and establish a consistent bedtime routine. These small changes had a profound impact on his ability to attend classes on time and improve his grades. The RSC supported and encouraged Hector to stay motivated and focused on his goals.

Hector’s mother was also a crucial part of his journey. When the RSC discovered the extent of Hector’s academic struggles, she called his mother in for a meeting. Together, they discussed the changes Hector needed to make and how they could support him at home. Hector’s mother was worried and confused, but she trusted the RSC and was willing to do whatever it took to help her son succeed.

One of the key turning points in Hector’s journey was his decision to join the police cadet program after graduation. This decision was driven by his desire to make a positive impact in his community and to follow a path that would lead to a better future. The discipline and structure of the cadet program would help Hector develop a sense of responsibility and purpose. This choice was sparked by a conversation with the RSC, where they discussed the harsh realities of the South Bronx and the limited paths available: either ending up in jail or dead. This stark reality motivated Hector to choose a different path. Hector’s journey was not easy, but his determination and the support from the RSC helped him overcome the obstacles he faced. Over the course of a year, Hector’s grades improved from D’s and F’s to C’s, B’s, and eventually A’s.

Where Hector Lobo lives matters.

Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, NY