Operation Pathways seeks to transform affordable housing communities through innovative programs that engage, empower, and support residents to achieve the future they desire.
Through our work, we envision vibrant, collaborative communities where neighbors help neighbors and families thrive.
Who We Are
Operation Pathways, a subsidiary of The NHP Foundation (NHPF), has over 30 years of experience providing programs and services to residents living in NHPF’s affordable housing communities. Operation Pathways approach to delivering quality programs and services is based on a philosophy that is resident-focused, impactful, innovative, and place-based. Resident services coordinators assess the strengths and needs of each community and provide or connect community members to opportunities that supports them in improving their quality of life. The coordinators represent Operation Pathways in each community and offer one-on-one individualized coaching to residents through a strength-based approach called Family-Centered Coaching. This empowers residents to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
Operation Pathways is a CORES-certified resident services provider and was the first resident services provider in the country to receive this distinction. CORES certification is awarded to affordable housing service providers based on the strength and quality of their infrastructure, systems, programs, and outcomes.
What We Do
Operation Pathways provides programs and services through four different pathways: Academic Achievement, Financial Stability, Healthier Living, and Aging in Place. Academic Achievement promotes ongoing education and training for children and adults leading to increased employment and scholastic opportunities. Healthier Living promotes activities and lifestyles that lead to physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. Financial Stability provides residents with sound financial practices that lead to increased incomes, decreased expenses, and the building of assets. Through Aging in Place, senior residents are engaged in activities and programs that encourage socialization, increase social support, improve awareness and education, and prevent elder abuse.
Resident-Centered Approach
Operation Pathways believes that all residents should have an active voice in making decisions that affect the quality of life in their own communities. Residents of NHPF properties are encouraged to organize and identify needs and issues facing their communities. Further, NHPF and Operation Pathways strive to work alongside residents to develop and propose community-based solutions which, when implemented, increase the quality of life of the community. At each property, there is an Operation Pathways Advisory Council, made up of residents to discuss the changing strengths and needs in the community and evaluate the programs and services offered by Operation Pathways.
How We Measure Success
Operation Pathways resident services coordinators collect resident demographic data, service output, and programmatic outcome data through various sources and techniques. Some of the primary methods are:
1) Resident Input: This is completed through surveys, in-person meetings, and grass root outreach. This feedback is gathered during office visits, community events, via phone, or by door- to-door outreach.
2) Program Participation Data: RSCs, at each site, track daily attendance and program data. RSCs document how many residents participate in one-on-one assistance or group program activities/events.
3) Program Outcome Measures: These measures are collected by RSCs or third-party program providers for our financial stability, healthier living, and academic achievement services.