In keeping with its commitment to preserve and create affordable housing for low to moderate income families and seniors, NHPF launched its Affiliate Program.
This program gives invaluable assistance to organizations struggling to grow, pursue their housing goals, or even survive in a challenging economic environment. In early 2011, NHPF leadership decided it had an additional role to play in strengthening affordable housing. NHPF’s new, dedicated focus would be to support community-based affordable housing groups that have been struggling and/or financially challenged.
The NHPF Affiliate Program brings managerial strength in development finance, asset management, resident services, and fund raising to local programs that cannot support the breadth or depth of staff to sustain their programs. Housing programs that affiliate with NHPF realize cost savings and gain the expertise needed to sustain and, in many cases, grow their operations, accomplishing their goal and the goal of the Affiliate Program: to strengthen the affordable housing market.